failure text quotes
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Success is 99 percent failure.
Soichiro HondaI am facing the most difficult thing of my life my own greatest failure.
Richard Paul EvansThe only risk of failure is promotion.
Scott AdamsTurn your scars into stars
Robert H. SchullerNinety nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
George Washington CarverIf there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.
Robert H. SchullerPast failures are guideposts to success.
Source UnknownDo not look where you fell, but where you slipped.
African ProverbsSo few are the easy victories as the ultimate failures.
Marcel ProustThe surest way to fail is not to determine to succeed.
Richard Brinsley SheridanNo persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.
Francois de la RochefoucauldThe disappointment of manhood succeeds the delusion of youth.
Benjamin DisraeliFailure is always an option.
Adam Savagemy stomach turned and burned with the acid of failure
Heidi L. AmesThere is always time for failure.
John MortimerWhat is called resignation is confirmed desperation.
Henry David ThoreauSuccess is the proper utilization of failure.
Source UnknownEveryone pushes a falling fence.
Chinese ProverbsThere is no failure except in no longer trying.
Elbert HubbardFailures to heroic minds are the stepping stones to success.
Thomas C. HaliburtonNever fret for an only son, the idea of failure will never occur to him.
George Bernard ShawHe only is exempt from failures who makes no efforts.
Richard WhatelyEvery opportunity missed is an opportunity for regret
Karl KloppenborgDefeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus.
Bishop Robert SouthOur business in this world is not to succeed, but to continue to fail, in good spirits.
Robert Louis StevensonSuccess meets you when you meet Failure.
B B Susheel KumarThey fail, and they alone, who have not striven.
Thomas Bailey AldrichThe futility of action does not absolve one from the failure to act.
Janette Turner HospitalFailure is a detour, not a dead end street.
Zig ZiglarSuccess is counted sweetest by those neer succeed.
Emily DickinsonIt is for want of application, rather than of means that people fail,
Francois de la RochefoucauldMy life has been nothing but a failure.
Claude MonetA failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.
Christian Nevell BoveeDo not blame anybody for your mistakes and failures.
Bernard BaruchNo man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.
Napoleon HillNoble failure atones for the impossibility of resisting progress successfully.
Richard AppignanesiThe world is divided into two categories: failures and unknowns.
Francis PicabiaFailure is not fatal; victory is not success.
Tony RichardsonThought is born of failure.
Lancelot Law WhyteDo not let your ambitions become a sanctuary for your failures.
Bryant H. McGillOur failings sometimes bind us to one another as closely as could virtue itself.
Marquis De VauvenarguesYou always pass failure on your way to success.
Mickey RooneyA life which does not go into action is a failure.
Arnold J. ToynbeeFailure has gone to his head.
Wilson MiznerFailure is the path of least persistence
Source UnknownNot failure, but low aim is sin.
Benjamin Elijah MaysMy reputation grows with every failure.
George Bernard ShawHonest error is to be pitied, not ridiculed.
Lord ChesterfieldIts failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.
Ellen DeGeneresWhat would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail
Robert H. SchullerSuccess is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
Winston ChurchillFailure is the sourness that makes success All the more sweeter.
Joshua Wisenbakerif you live to failthen you fail to live
Muhammad MisradFailure is not final.
Winston ChurchillThe only real failure in life is the failure to try.
Sven Goran ErikssonThere is no such thing as failure. There are only results.
Anthony RobbinsYou always pass failure on the way to success.
Mickey RooneyFailure means nothing now only that it taught me life.
Elisabeth ElliotA lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.
Marshal Ferdinand FochFailure is the tuition you pay for success.
Walter BrunellNo garden is without its weeds.
Thomas FullerThose who dont try are destine for failure
Westley TusaThe more I try to be perfect the more I fail.
Harley KingNo man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
William Ewart GladstoneWho I am as a guitarist is defined by my failure to become Jimi Hendrix.
John Clayton MayerFailure has its successes.
Brian HowardHer failure was a useful preliminary to success.
Edith WhartonThe phoenix must burn to emerge.
Janet FitchWriter's block is only a failure of the ego.
Norman MailerThe only failure is not to try.
George ClooneyI didnt fail the test I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.
Benjamin FranklinBelieve and act as if it were impossible to fail.
Charles Franklin KetteringIn great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
Cassius LonginusThere is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see.
Malcolm MuggeridgeNothing succeeds like failure.
Rebecca WestIn the past, few women have tried and even fewer have succeeded.
Rosalyn Sussman YalowThrough failure, we learn a lesson in humility which is probably needed, painful though it is.
William Griffith WilsonYou cannot explain failure any more than you can argue with success.
J. Richard ClarkeThere is no path to success without failure.
B B Susheel KumarThe fearful are caught as often as the bold.
Helen KellerNo man is a failure who enjoys life.
William FeatherFailure means a stripping away of the inessential.
J. K. RowlingNever belittle love
Preeti ShenoyMany a man never fails because he never tries.
Norman MacewanFailure are given power not success ..
David S. MarkNothing resembles pride so much as discouragement.
Henri Frédéric AmielNothing makes a person desire improvement like failure
Chris StockingThere are no mistakes or failures, only lessons.
Denis WaitleyThe greatest failure is a person who never admits that he can be a failure.
Gerald. N. WeiskottThe only true failure lies in failure to start.
Harold Blake WalkerTo expect defeat is nine tenths of defeat itself.
Francis CrawfordEven though the ship may go down, the journey goes on.
Margaret MeadIf your failure is not a lesson its indeed a failure.
Ogwo David EmenikeIf you fail to prepare prepare to fai
AnonymousThe greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.
Robert G. IngersollWell, I think it's too early to call Fallujah a failure.
Charles SchumerThe difference between Success and failure is not giving up.
Steven RedheadLosing is a part of winning.
Dick Munro